6th Grade and New Student Orientation is on September 3rd, 2020!

Thank you for coming to our orientation!  Copies of the two main presentations are below:


Greetings and welcome to the Lake Elkhorn Middle School (LEMS) community! 

We are so excited to meet our new students and families on September 3rd at our New Student Virtual Orientation.

Please review the information below, prior to September 3, to learn more about our new student virtual orientation.

Quick Orientation Information:

  • When?  September 3, from 1:00 p.m. - 3:15 p.m. (2 groups, see below for more information)
  • Where? Virtually from your own home, using Google Meet (1 device per family, please)
  • Who? 6th grade students and families and new 7th and 8th grade students and families


Important:  Your child should practice logging in to his/her hcpss.me G Suite HCPSS account.  You will only be able to access orientation if your child is logged in.  Please practice ahead of time to ensure easy access to our orientation program. If your child forgets his/her password, go to hcpss.me, scroll down to "Students & Staff" and click either "Change Password" or "Forgot Password or Username". These things take time so please practice before Thursday!


Detailed Orientation Information:

How do I attend the virtual orientation?

We will use a platform called Google Meet for our orientation.  Your children will need to use Google Meet for their classes, so this is great practice!


You mentioned there would be 2 orientation groups. What does that mean? 

Google Meet has an attendance limit of 250 participants.  To ensure that we do not reach that limit, our orientation will be split into two groups.  Each group will receive the same exact presentation, from the same group of teachers.  The presentations will simply be staggered to keep attendance below the limit.  To help us maintain reasonably sized groups that do not go over capacity, we respectfully ask that you only sign-on to our virtual orientation from one device per household, at the time specificed below. 

Our orientation groups will be divided as follows:

  • Orientation Group A: 
    • 6th Graders with last names A-K, & all new 7th and 8th graders. 
    • If your student is in Group A, click here for the schedule.


  • Orientation Group B:
    • 6th Graders with last names L-Z.   
    • If your student is in Group B, click here for the schedule.

**Note:  In order to sign-in to Google Meet, you must be logged in to your student's HCPSS account.


The schedule lists 2 break-out sessions, plus optional m. Can you provide more information about the sessions?

Each group will begin with a presentation from the LEMS Administrative team: Mrs. Shindel, principal, Mr. Cometa, 6th grade administrator, Ms. Sica, 7th grade administrator, and Ms. Guinn, 8th grade administrator.  Following the presentation, the students will attend a break-out session where they will have an opportunity to hear directly from their grade-level teachers and receive detailed information on how to prepare for an exciting and successful first year at LEMS.

Starting at 2:30 p.m., after the grade level break-out sessions, there will be several optional opportunities for students and families to get more information regarding specific programs.  Students and families are welcome to attend these optional sessions if you have a specific interest in a program.


While in their grade-level breakout sessions, students will:

  • Learn about the first day of school procedures

  • Learn about accessing their daily Google Meets

  • Gain a better understanding of the 4x4 schedule

  • Meet some of their teachers

  • Learn tips for having a successful transition to Lake Elkhorn


More Information:

  • Parents/Guardians - Once Google Meet codes are published, we encourage you to practice entering the Google Meet ahead of time with your child, so that there is no confusion on the day of orientation. Further, continue to visit this website for updates, including additional sessions that will follow the 1:00pm general session.

  • Unable to join us for orientation?  You will be able to view the school-wide and grade level presentations on our school website following our orientation, on this website.  Feel free to reach out to your grade-level counselor or administrator if you have any questions. You may also view the virtual instruction responsibilities, expectations, and best practices.

  • Want to get involved this year?   You can support our students, teachers, and school community by becoming a member of our PTSA.  Be sure to visit the LEMS PTSA website or see this PTSA flier for more information.