Spring is in the Air - Health Room News

A Note from the Health Room…. Spring is in the air and so is the pollen…it might be time to start your child’s allergy medication routine. There has been an increase in health room visits related to students with allergy symptoms. Remember to contact the HEALTH ROOM staff with a note . . .
  • IF your student was diagnosed with a communicable disease such as influenza, strep throat, etc. (Information is used to track illness trends.)
  • IF your student needs to come to school with crutches, a splint/cast and/or has physical activity restrictions.
  • IF your student has a medical condition that requires medicine or treatment during school hours.
  • Please turn in updated immunization records for 6th graders going into 7thgrade next year. The 2 required immunizations for students entering 7thgrade are: MCV4 and Tdap.