Masking Expectations at Lake Elkhorn

We need your help in ensuring that students are bringing masks to school, and wearing them properly while indoors.  We ask that you please speak to your children tonight (and regularly) about expectations for mask wearing while at school. Specifically:

  • Masks must be worn at all times while inside of Lake Elkhorn, and while on the school bus.
  • Masks must be worn over the nose and mouth.
  • Masks may only be removed to eat breakfast (in students’ assigned Eagle Time or period 1 classes), or to eat lunch (while in the cafeteria or outside).
  • Masks must remain on at all times in the hallways - eating and drinking are not permitted in hallways.

We also ask that you please ask your child to demonstrate “how” they are wearing their mask at school. We are constantly reminding students to pull their masks up over their nose, and your support with this will help us keep everyone as safe as possible.

Finally, please know that the failure to properly wear a mask (over the nose and mouth) is a violation of the HCPSS Student Code of Conduct. Students may be subject to disciplinary consequences for failing to comply with proper mask wearing at school. Consequences range from reminders, parent conferences and school community service, to more severe responses such as detentions, extended school days, removal from extra-curricular activities, and in-school suspensions. Please help us keep our school safe and have our students avoid unnecessary disciplinary responses, by working with your child to ensure masks are worn properly at all times while at school and on the school bus.

Thank you for your continued support and partnership.