LEMS Back-to-School Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

We hope you find this list helpful as you prepare your child to return to school.  If you have questions that you would like added to this list, click here to contact Principal Shindel.  This list is meant to help you, so all feedback and suggestions are appreciated!  With that, please check back often as this list will be updated over the summer.  Thanks!   What time is arrival and dismissal?
  • Arrival - Students are permitted to enter Lake Elkhorn at 7:50 a.m. Students must be in first period by 8:00 a.m. We do serve breakfast to all students, and teachers will start to give students breakfast at 7:58 a.m.
  • Dismissal - In order to enusre a smooth dismissal with Cradlerock Elementary School:
    • Bus riders - Bus riders are dismissed at 2:43 p.m. and must exit out of the front doors of the school.
    • Car riders and walkers: Car riders and walkers are dismissed at 2:50 p.m. Car riders and walkers are not permitted to exit out of the front doors (unless there is a building emergency), but are permitted to exit out of the side and back doors.
  How does breakfast work? All students at Lake Elkhorn receive breakfast everyday. Breakfast is served in first period classrooms, from 7:58 a.m. - 8:04 a.m.     What type of backpack do kids usually use, and what do they do with it between classes? Students may bring over the shoulder backpacks (not roller types) to bring their materials to and from school.  Due to our narrow hallways, large, full backpacks are not permitted in classes, so students will keep them in their lockers.  Small bags or small backpacks are permitted to carry chromebooks.   *Students are permitted to go to their lockers before school, before and after lunch, and after school.     What type of 3-ring binder do most kids use? In 6th grade, most students use the zippered kind that they can carry between classes. This stops papers from falling out, and keeps everything in one place. They also usually keep a pencil case attached to their binder.   Should parents really get everything on the school supply list, or wait to see what teachers really recommend.  Do students really need to buy the TI-84 Silver Edition Graphing calculator? While it is suggested to get everything on the list, you may find that, depending on the classes your child takes, not everything may be needed, and some things may be left off.  The list is our best estimate of what will be needed based on the most common classes, but it may not be all inclusive. Do not be surprised if your child is asked to get additional supplies on the first day.  In addition, we encourage you to keep your receipts in case items are not needed. We highly recommend that students taking Algebra purchase a TI-84 Silver Edition Graphing Calculator (by the end of the first quarter) for use at home.  Students will be provided with a calculator to use during the school day.     **If there is financial hardship and your student needs supplies, please contact our PPW Tracey Williams at 410-313-7600 or Tracey_Williams@hcpss.org   Does my child need to bring clothes to change into for Physical Education (PE) during the first week of school? No, your child does not need to bring clothes to change into for PE during the first week of school. More information will be given to your child from the PE teachers during the first week of school.   What type of pencils do kids use (mechanical or regular, or does it really not matter)? Most students prefer mechanical pencils, but it is personal preference.   What should kids really bring to the first day of school? On the first day, it is recommended that students bring a binder with basic school supplies in it (one pocket folder, one spiral notebook, sheets of looseleaf paper, and 2-3 writing utensils).   Please refrain from bringing all the materials listed on the supply list as students may not be assigned a locker for a few days.  In addition, items not needed for the school year can be returned to the store if the receipt was kept.     Students should also bring their lunch if they do not plan on buying/getting a school lunch.   Should band/strings students bring their instruments to the first day of school? No, your child does not need to bring his/her instrument on the first day of school. More information will be given to your child from the band and orchestra teachers during the first week of school.     What will happen during the first few days of school if my child cannot get their locker open?  Should I really be practicing with them over the summer, or are there lots of people there to help if needed? Lockers are assigned to 6th and 7th graders during the summer orientation. During orientation, students will be given time to practice opening their lockers.  During the first week of school, there will be a lot of teachers in the hallways, assisting students who may need help.      *8th grade students will receive lockers after all required paperwork has been submitted.  Paperwork will be sent home with 7th and 8th grader students on the first day of school. The family file will be emailed home prior to the first day of school so that you can get a jump start in getting it done (this is required to be updated each school year)     What do you recommend for electronic devices in school?  What is the current policy?  Students should bring their HCPSS Chromebook to school each day. If they do not wish to use an HCPSS device, they should bring their own laptop (HCPSS and/or LEMS are not responsible for devices that are lost, stolen or broken).   If your child brings a cell phone, it may only be used when indicated by the teacher for instructional purpses, and must be off and away at all other times. Click here for more information about our cell phone policy.     It’s up to parents/guardians to determine what (if any) electronic devices students should bring to school. It is common for students to bring cell phones to school, but it is also common for students not to bring cell phones to school. If your child does bring a cell phone to school, the school is not responsible for devices that are lost, stolen or broken.   When will kids find out their schedules? 6th grade students will be given their schedules during our 6th grade orientation, which will take place during the week before school starts.  7th and 8th grade students get their schedules on the first day of school.     What is the policy for having water bottles in class?  Students are permitted to carry clear water bottles during the school day, as long as students comply with the following:
  • Teachers may restrict access of water bottles near technology or other items. 
  • Water bottles must be clear (not color-tinted) so that its contents are clearly visible.
  • The only liquid permitted to be carried is water (not juice, soda, etc.).
  When can kids go to the bathroom (Do they need a hall pass?  Can they only go between periods, and if so, is there enough time?)? In order for students to leave class they will need to get their agenda book signed and carry it with them as their pass.    Students are allowed to use the restroom between classes (yes, there is enough time if your child is efficient).  They can also use the restroom during class at the teacher’s discretion. We ask students to avoid the first five and last five minutes of class to avoid missing instructions.     How will my child find their first classroom on the first day of school if they forget where it is? There will be a lot of teachers and staff members in the hallways to help guide students to their first period class.  Staff will also have lists of students, with their first period teachers, in case students forget the name of their first period teacher.   *Note: Students who enroll at Lake Elkhorn during the year will be assigned a "buddy" student to shadow for a day or so, to help him/her get acclimated with our school.     What do I do if my child needs to be picked up from school early? When you arrive to Lake Elkhorn to pick-up your child, be sure to bring proper identification so that we can verify authorization in your child's Synergy account.  We will only release students to those people authorized on the emergency card in Synergy. Early dismissals will be done until 2:35 p.m. After that time, students will be released at 2:45 p.m.   Prior to 2:35 p.m. and once verified, we will call your child to the front office for his/her early dismissal.   *Note: If you wish for someone to pick up your child who is not authorized on your child’s account, you may either add that person in Synergy or send in a note with your signature authorizing the early dismissal.  We cannot accept permission over the phone or via email without a signature.     I drive my child to school. How does that work? First (and this is important), we kindly ask that you do not park in the “drop-off” lane, even if you remain inside of the car while it is parked.  If you arrive early and do not wish for your child to wait outside, please:
  • Do not park in the drop-off lane
  • Park your car in a parking spot in the back portion of the school parking lot (since your parking is temporary)
  • Return to the drop-off lane when your child is ready to leave the car and go into school
Students enter the building at 7:50 a.m., so around 7:48 a.m. we encourage parents to have students vacate cars and start to walk to the proper entrance.    We are sure you agree how important it is to maintain a safe drop-off for our students. When cars park in the drop-off lane it causes a back-up.  Further, we have observed unsafe actions of cars pulling around parked cars, and dropping students off in the middle of the lane, causing students to have to weave around moving and parked cars.    Please help us keep our students and community safe, and do not park in the drop-off lane.     Does Lake Elkhorn have a "dress code"? Yes, we follow the HCPSS Dress Code Policy, 9210.  The HCPSS dress code has changed, and we will post once it has been confirmed. In the meantime, the following are a few key highlights:   We want to maintain standards of dress and appearance to ensure that Lake Elkhorn is a safe school environment conducive to learning.  According to the updated HCPSS Dress Code Policy, 9210:  Students are not permitted to wear attire, including wearable technology that is disruptive to the school environment, that promotes illegal or harmful activities, or that could endanger the health or safety of that student or others during school hours and school-related activities. Prohibited attire includes, but is not limited to:
  • Attire that depicts profanity, hate speech, obscenity, the use of weapons, or violence
  • Attire that promotes the use of tobacco, drugs, alcohol, or other illegal or harmful products
  • Attire that promotes, implies or contains sexually suggestive messages
  • Attire that exposes or reveals the chest, midriff, pelvic/groin area, and buttocks
  • Visible underwear or bathing suits (Visible waistbands or straps on undergarments worn under other clothing are not a violation.)
  • Helmets or headgear that obscure the face, except as a religious obligation, observation of a religious holiday, or for a school-related activity
  • Attire that depicts gang affiliation
  • Attire that contains language or symbols that demean an identifiable person or group or otherwise infringes on the rights of others
  • Attire that causes or is likely to cause a material disruption, a substantial disorder to school activities or the orderly operation of the school, or an invasion of the rights of others
  • Attire that may damage school property
  • Wearable technology and other attire when it interferes with instruction or student safety.
  • Backpacks, book bags and large purses may not be carried during the school day.  Small purses are permitted as long as they are not a "backpack" style.
If students fail to follow these guidelines, they will be asked to remove the item or change into another item.     If I need to visit Lake Elkhorn during the school day, what do I need to do? In order to ensure the safety of all students and staff - all visitors will be required to press the buzzer located outside of the entrance to our school.  Once buzzed in, go directly to the front office to check in. Thank you for understanding that visitors are not permitted anywhere else in the building until they have checked in to the front office.    Click here to familiarize yourself with the arrival procedures we follow for all guests wishing to enter Lake Elkhorn. If you would like to visit classrooms or others in the building, click here for more information. Thank you for working with us so that we together we can keep our school safe – and please be sure to bring identification with you if you plan to visit.     Lost and Found Is your child missing his/her coat?  Right shoe? Lunch box? Sweatshirt? These and so many other items build up each year in our lost and found (located in the front office). After Thanksgiving, any items not claimed will be donated. After that, we will donate unclaimed items at the end of each quarter.   Please be sure to encourage your child to check the lost and found for missing items.