We hope you find this list helpful as you prepare your child to return to school. If you have questions that you would like added to this list, click here to contact Principal Shindel. This list is meant to help you, so all feedback and suggestions are appreciated! With that, please check back often as this list will be updated over the summer. Thanks!
What time is arrival and dismissal?
- Arrival - Students are permitted to enter Lake Elkhorn at 7:50 a.m. Students must be in first period by 8:00 a.m. We do serve breakfast to all students, and teachers will start to give students breakfast at 7:58 a.m.
Dismissal - In order to enusre a smooth dismissal with Cradlerock Elementary School:
- Bus riders - Bus riders are dismissed at 2:43 p.m. and must exit out of the front doors of the school.
- Car riders and walkers: Car riders and walkers are dismissed at 2:50 p.m. Car riders and walkers are not permitted to exit out of the front doors (unless there is a building emergency), but are permitted to exit out of the side and back doors.
- Teachers may restrict access of water bottles near technology or other items.
- Water bottles must be clear (not color-tinted) so that its contents are clearly visible.
- The only liquid permitted to be carried is water (not juice, soda, etc.).
- Do not park in the drop-off lane
- Park your car in a parking spot in the back portion of the school parking lot (since your parking is temporary)
- Return to the drop-off lane when your child is ready to leave the car and go into school
- Attire that depicts profanity, hate speech, obscenity, the use of weapons, or violence
- Attire that promotes the use of tobacco, drugs, alcohol, or other illegal or harmful products
- Attire that promotes, implies or contains sexually suggestive messages
- Attire that exposes or reveals the chest, midriff, pelvic/groin area, and buttocks
- Visible underwear or bathing suits (Visible waistbands or straps on undergarments worn under other clothing are not a violation.)
- Helmets or headgear that obscure the face, except as a religious obligation, observation of a religious holiday, or for a school-related activity
- Attire that depicts gang affiliation
- Attire that contains language or symbols that demean an identifiable person or group or otherwise infringes on the rights of others
- Attire that causes or is likely to cause a material disruption, a substantial disorder to school activities or the orderly operation of the school, or an invasion of the rights of others
- Attire that may damage school property
- Wearable technology and other attire when it interferes with instruction or student safety.
- Backpacks, book bags and large purses may not be carried during the school day. Small purses are permitted as long as they are not a "backpack" style.