Sign-Up Today for the Lake Elkhorn Wellness Telemedicine Center!
Our School Based Wellness Center (SBWC) is now offering telemedicine visits for students with Howard County Health Department providers! You must be enrolled to participate, so sign-up today!
For more information or to enroll, click here.
What type of support can we receive?
- Sick care for problems involving lungs, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, throat and exposed skin
- Sprains and strains
Who is eligible?
- Students who attend a school with a School Based Wellness Center and are enrolled in the program. Lake Elkhorn has a SBLC.
- Students that are uninsured or have no Primary Care Provider.
- Students with a non-urgent medical condition suitable for a telemedicine visit.
What is the cost?
- If your child has Medical Assistance (MA), the visit will be charged to MA. There is no charge or fee for you to pay even if your child is without health insurance.
How does it work?
- Family must have access to computer or smart phone.
- Family contacts or 410-313-6367 to schedule call with provider.
- Provider calls family directly to schedule telemedicine visit and provides instructions about the telemedicine process.
- Family uses smart phone or computer to have the telemedicine visit.
*Not all health concerns can be evaluated via telemedicine and your child may need to be referred to a provider for an in-person exam.
**Telemedicine visits with our providers are NOT appropriate for emergency care. If you are experiencing a medical emergency, call 911.
***Families with private health insurance should contact their medical provider directly to receive medical care.
For more information or to enroll:
- Visit
- Contact Mrs. J. Donald at the Health Department: or 410-313-6367