Parent-Teacher Conferences: November 23, 24, and 25, 2020

Technical Support During Conferences

    • Need Help Accessing Your Conferences?
      • Join our Student Services team, Ms. Fischer, Ms. OliverMcCain, Ms. Rudnick, Ms. O’Connor and Ms. Lobdell in a google meet if you need help with your conference schedule or google meet codes.     Google Meet code:
    • ​​Canvas and Technology Support During Conferences
      • Mr. Howse, media specialist, will provide support for canvas navigation and technology issues during conference hours. Join Mr. Howse using Google Meet code:   
    • Need Help Accessing Your Conferences? Need Help with Canvas or your Technology?
      • Mr. Howse, media specialist, will provide support with your conference schedule, google meet codes, canvas navigation and technology issues during conference hours. Join Mr. Howse using Google Meet code: 


It's Time to Sign-Up for Parent-Teacher Conferences!

Parent - teacher conferences will be held on November 23, 24, and 25, 2020 as follows:         

Monday, November 23

12:45 p.m. – 7:00  p.m.

Tuesday, November 24

12:45 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.

Wednesday, November 25*

7:45 a.m. – 3:15 p.m.

*A limited number of teachers have availability on Wednesday.  Only teachers unable to attend evening conferences will be available during the day on Wednesday.

HCPSS will use the "Synergy Conference Management" to schedule parent-teacher conferences.  Starting Friday, November 13, 2020 at 6:00 a.m. until Thursday, November 19, 2020 at 11:59 p.m., parents/guardians can log into HCPSS Connect ( to view and select from the time slots available. Parents without online access may contact Ms. O'Connor in the Lake Elkhorn Student Services office at for assistance in scheduling conferences. You can also call 410-313-7600 and leave a message, and Ms. O’Connor will contact you.**  All conferences will be 10 minutes in length, with a 5 minutes break in between each conference, and will take place virtually via google meet.  Codes for meetings will be listed under the teacher’s “location” when you sign up for conferences.  Directions for scheduling conferences are listed below.  

Signing Up for a Conference

1. Log into HCPSS Connect

2. In the Navigation pane, select Conference and click the Parent Scheduled Conferences link in the top right corner to schedule conferences.

3. Select a time option for each class listed. The conference will be saved automatically. Once you select a time option, all other time options for that class will become unavailable.

4. To select a different time option, clear the first checkbox and select a new option.

5. If you have more than one child, select the next child in the banner across the top.

NOTE: Keep in mind the conference times you selected for your first child when selecting conference times for any additional children.


Scheduling a Conference Time for an Additional School

If your child attends a second school for additional courses, e.g., Applied Research Laboratory or a synchronous class in the Digital Education Program, conferences are scheduled on a separate screen.

1. In the Navigation Panel, select Conference Scheduling > View My Conference Schedule.

2. Click the ARL/Homewood/Dual Enrollment Conference Schedules link. A page displays the conference times available for your child.

3. Select a time option for each class listed. The conference will be saved automatically.


Viewing Your Conference Schedule

1. In the Navigation Panel, select Conference Scheduling > View My Conference Schedule.

2. Click the View My Conference Schedule link. A page displays listing all of the conference for your child.

NOTE: You can also create a Parent Teacher Conference appointment from this screen.

Please contact Ms. O'Connor in the Student Services office if you need assistance, at  You can also call 410-313-7600 and leave a message, and Ms. O’Connor will contact you**.

**Please note:  If Ms. O'Connor calls you back, the number may appear to be an out-of-state number.


Technical Support During Conferences

    • Need Help Accessing Your Conferences?
      • Join our Student Services team, Ms. Fischer, Ms. OliverMcCain, Ms. Rudnick, Ms. O’Connor and Ms. Lobdell in a google meet if you need help with your conference schedule or google meet codes.     Google Meet code:
    • ​​Canvas and Technology Support During Conferences
      • Mr. Howse, media specialist, will provide support for canvas navigation and technology issues during conference hours. Join Mr. Howse using Google Meet code:   
    • Need Help Accessing Your Conferences? Need Help with Canvas or your Technology?
      • Mr. Howse, media specialist, will provide support with your conference schedule, google meet codes, canvas navigation and technology issues during conference hours. Join Mr. Howse using Google Meet code: 


Book Returns During Conference Time

If you have media books checked out from last year, you can return them at any time during the day or the evening that conferences are open. A book return cart will be at the front of the school. Please practice appropriate social distancing when you drop off books! Students can also request books for pickup during this time: