Spring Semester Planning (Spring 2021)

Operational preparations are underway to ensure the school system will be well-prepared for a potential transition to a hybrid instructional model for the spring semester. The Board took action on the metrics that would allow students and staff to safely return to school buildings and criteria that would be used to signal the need to revert to a virtual model. Superintendent Martirano’s preliminary remarks and the full presentation are available online. 

Stakeholder input will help inform the Board’s decisions regarding the spring semester. A new email option is available for parents/guardians, students, staff and other stakeholders who wish to provide input and feedback to the Board regarding the spring semester instructional model. Please email feedback to spring-input@hcpss.org. The Board will review all emails; however, due to the anticipated volume, individual responses should not be expected.

Staff will present a hybrid model for the Board’s consideration on November 5, and the Board is scheduled to take action on the second semester instructional model on November 19.