LEMS Back-to-School Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

We hope you find this list helpful as you prepare your child to return to school.  If you have questions that you would like added to this list, click here to contact Principal Shindel.  This is meant to help you, so all feedback and suggestions are appreciated!  With that, please check back often as this list will be updated over the summer.  Thanks!  

LEMS Back-to-School Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS)


When will students get their Google Meet codes?

Canvas goes "live" on September 5.  At that time, students will have access to their courses. All teachers have been asked to put their Google Meet codes on the calendar.  This will populate a "to do" list for students each day so they will see their Google Meet codes. This year the codes will not change each day.  The pattern for google meet codes will be "school initials-first initial last name of the teacher - period". For example, Mrs. Shindel's period 1 code would look like this each day, "LEMS-mshindel-pd1".  If students cannot find a code, they can follow this pattern for each class.


How will the students be graded?  Will grading be the same as it was for Q4 of 2019-2020?

The grading system is different than it was in the Spring.   Students will now recieve letter grades, they will no longer recieve a pass or fail.   


Will “Back to School Night” be held?

Back to School Night will be held on September 16th at 6:00 p.m.  More information is coming soon.


Will students be provided with devices for the 2020-2021 school year?

Every student entering grades pre-kindergarten through 8 will be provided with a Chromebook; parents/guardians do not need to do anything to request this device. Beginning in mid-August, parents/guardians of students entering high school may request a device. All device distribution will occur in late August. Details will be communicated as soon as they are available.

Any student who borrowed a Chromebook for spring or summer learning may continue to use that device during the 2020-2021 school year.


Will the Fall virtual learning model look exactly like the Spring?

There are many differences between the Spring and Fall models.  The Spring model incorporates more synchronous learning time, during which students will have direct face-time with their teachers.  We will also be using a 4x4 schedule in which students participate in four of their classes during the first semester, and the remaining four classes during the second semester.


Are students required to receive immunizations if school buildings are not open?

All children must have the required State of Maryland immunizations in order to attend school. Parents are responsible for providing proof of immunization to the school prior to the student attending or proof of an appointment for necessary immunizations within 20 calendar days of the first day of school.

The Maryland Department of Health has not lifted the requirement for immunizations, which are still required for entry into school and are vital for children’s overall health and wellness. At this time, the state has not given any exemption to families in districts utilizing virtual instruction.


Will there be after school programs?

We will have a full range of extracurricular and co-curricular after school programs this Fall.  Programs will range from academic intervention in the areas of math and reading, to mentoring programs and other extracurriculars.  More information will be provided soon.


When will kids find out their schedules?

Students will receive their schedules during the week of August 31st.


What should I do if I don’t remember my password? What if I am having trouble logging in?

HCPSS now offers Account Self-Service for staff and students to reset their passwords and manage their accounts. Self-Service offers users the ability to complete a password reset, retrieve a forgotten username, and more. Instructions for retrieving account credentials are available online. Account Self-Service can be accessed via hcpss.me.

If there is technical difficulty, a student may submit asynchronous work for a particular day to receive credit for attendance.


Why was the decision made to remain fully virtual for the entire first semester, rather than one quarter?

At the July 16, 2020, Board of Education meeting, HCPSS Superintendent Michael Martirano recommended a virtual start of the school year through the first quarter, which ends November 6. The Board voted instead to have a fully virtual start through the second quarter, which ends January 28.  The July 16 Board meeting, including the discussion on this issue and subsequent vote, can be viewed online.


What if I can’t make a synchronous learning session?

If a student knows in advance that they will not be attending class, the student should send an email to their teacher.  If it is an excused absence, a note should be written by their guardian, signed, scanned (a photograph will also work), and sent to LEMSattendance@hcpss.org


Does Lake Elkhorn offer world languages, and if so, when can my child enroll?

Lake Elkhorn offers Spanish and French, and students can take one of these two courses if their schedule permits, starting in 7th grade. Spanish and French are high school courses spread out over two years in middle school (students take part one in 7th grade and part two in 8th grade).  Look for more information in December or January, as you will need to register your child in order to enroll in these courses.


Where can I find a list of student and family responsibilities for virtual learning?

The HCPSS website has published a comprehensive list of responsibilities and best practices for educators, students, and families.  The list can be found here, and also feel free to reach out to a grade level counselor or administrator.


How can I support my child in mathematics during the semester he/she does not have math?

We encourage parents to visit Khan Academy if you would like to give your child exposure to math enrichment, practice and review. Resources are free.  Students will have access to Delta Math during the semester they have math.


Does my child need a TI-84 calculator for math?

Your child does not "need" a TI-84 calculator, but it is highly recommended one your child is enrolled in Algebra. Students will be provided with alternate ways to access the calculators online.  Students can also convert their android phone into a calculator using wabbitemu and Apple has an app called Calculate84 that they can use.