Requesting Make-up Work due to Excused Absences

Do you know that most of our teachers teach between 125 - 200 students?     That’s a lot of students! With that, we need your help as it relates to student absences and make-up work.  

What can you do?  Tonight, please ask your child if he/she has at least 2 “study buddies” in each class, and if not please encourage him/her to find a couple as soon as possible.  When students are absent for 1, 2 or 3 days, we ask that they contact a study buddy for work missed. After the 3rd day of absences he/she may contact his/her teacher and/or the school counselor to request missed assignments.   If you have an anticipated absence, we ask that you use the same system for obtaining missed work during or after your child's absence. Teachers cannot always anticipate assignments ahead of time, as they frequently change based on the needs of students and their level of mastery of various lessons and assignments.  We are so appreciative that parents and students are proactive and contact teachers when they are absent.  However, teachers sometimes find it difficult to respond in a timely manner, since there are so many requests that are made. 

Other resources that may assist you are your child’s agenda book, and the Canvas pages that teachers regularly update with announcements, homework and grades.   As a reminder, students will be given the same amount of time to make up an assignment (due to an excused absence) as the number of days missed, per county policy. More than anything we want your child to be successful - thank you for your ongoing support!