Attention 8th Grade Families: HS Registration

Dear Parents/Guardians of 8th Grade Students:

It’s the most wonderful time of the year – time to think about your child’s next transition into high school! There is a big change in registering for classes this year: instead of using paper forms, your child will be signing up for their 9th grade classes online using Synergy. 


We will be going into classrooms on January 8 and 9, 2020 to give students their core class recommendations, as well as directions for how to register for the remainder of their classes online. The registration process does require a computer (as opposed to a phone or tablet).


Please click the links below to connect to the attachments:

  1. Online Course Placement Review directions

  2. All Grade 9 Course Options for 2020-2021 

  3. Powerpoint with extended directions for registration 

  4. HCPSS Connect Online Course Requests directions 


Need some help with this process? We are offering an OPEN LAB day/night on Monday, January 13, 8:00am- 6:00pm and Tuesday, January 14, 8:00am- 2:20pm in Student Services Conference Room. Please note, after school hours on January 14 will be reserved for a snow day make-up if needed.  Please sign up using this link:  The link for the PowerPoint with extended directions for registration was also sent out via Canvas.


There is also an instructional video about the registration process that can be found here:


Please contact Ms. OliverMcCain, School Counselor, at if this date does not work for you, or if you have any other questions!


Kind regards,


Bettina OliverMcCain

School Counselor