Immunization Requirements - Rising 7th Grade Students (en ingles y español)

Effective the first day of school, September 3, 2019, 1 dose of Tdap vaccine and 1 dose of Meningococcal vaccine are required by the state of Maryland for all students entering Grade 7.  If we DO NOT receive proof of immunization, your child will be excluded from school. 

Many students may have already received these immunizations, but the Health Room may not have the updated immunization record.  Please contact your child’s doctor to schedule an appointment before the start of 2019-2020 school year to receive the mandatory vaccines and/or send in an updated copy of your child’s immunizations to the Health Room.  The fax # is 410-313-7633 or you may email a copy to


Requisitos de inmunización e información clínica

El Departamento de Salud de Maryland requiere que todos los estudiantes de 7º, 8º, 9º, 10º, 11º, y 12º grados en el estado de Maryland cuenten con una dosis de la vacuna contra tétanos, difteria y tos ferina (Tdap) Y una dosis de la vacuna contra el meningococo (MCV4) ANTES del inicio del año escolar 2019-2020.

Carta en español

If you have further questions, please call Lake Elkhorn Middle School at (410) 313-7600 and ask for the Health Room.