Message from Principal Vandenberge 2/3/17

Greetings, Lake Elkhorn families:


It’s time to clear a spot on the refrigerator again! Report cards were sent home with students today. Thirty-five per cent of all LEMS students made the honor roll for the second marking period. While I am happy for these students, I think we can do better. So, in response to a request at the last PTSA meeting, I will put what little hair I have on the line. If forty per cent of LEMS students make honor roll for third quarter, I will dye my hair. We will have a drawing for a student to determine the color. Students can enter Eagle Bucks into a drawing (the winner must be an honor roll student) and the winner will select my hair color. Thanks a lot, PTSA!


This past Wednesday night, we heard from Vince DeVivo from the Department of Justice, who informed parents about many dangers of the internet. He encouraged the audience to be wise consumers and gave tips to help parents keep on top of the electronic device usage. I am including the handout materials with this newsletter.

Good luck to Science Olympiad, which will be practicing tomorrow and competing for the first time next weekend. Science Olympiad and Fisheries are our two newest enrichment seminars.  I want to thank Mr. Bond for providing these new experiences for our students.


With Eagle PRIDE,


Martin Vandenberge
