Health Room News - Student Illnesses

February 13, 2017

Dear Parent/Guardian:
Several students attending Lake Elkhorn Middle School have developed sore throats accompanied with fevers and gastrointestinal illness with symptoms of vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, fever, headache, and abdominal cramps.
Gastrointestinal illnesses can spread quickly from one person to another through contact with an infected person and contaminated surfaces.
People can become infected by:
*      Touching contaminated surfaces or objects and then placing their hands in their mouth
*      Having direct contact with another person who is infected and showing symptoms
*      Eating or drinking contaminated food or water
The best way to prevent and control an infection is by frequent and thorough hand washing with soap and water.  Wash hands often, especially after using the bathroom, before eating or preparing food, and after having/ or being exposed to diarrhea or vomiting.  Frequent cleaning of high contact surfaces in your environment (such as door knobs/handles, light switches, countertops, etc.) with a bleach solution or bleach-based disinfectant is also very effective. Additionally, ill students should not return to school until they have been without symptoms for at least 24 hours.  If your child currently has symptoms named above, make sure they drink plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration and encourage increased hand washing.  If symptoms become severe, contact your physician.
If your child is sick, PLEASE keep him/her home until they are symptom-free for at least 24 hours.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please call the Health Room at 410-313-7607.
Thank you,

Kassy Wanless, RN
School Cluster Nurse
Lake Elkhorn Middle School