On November 14th the Federal Impact Forms will be distributed to students. All forms must be returned to the Front Office by November 18th. There is "federal legislation that provides financial assistance from the federal government to local school systems based on the number of students whose parents/guardians work on federally owned property" and "students whose parents are serving as active military anywhere in the world." Therefore, HCPSS is eligible to receive funds from the federal government based on the number of completed forms received. In order to qualify for these funds, we must send home this survey and report how many students qualify. Please fill out the survey and return it as soon as possible.
When completing the form, please only use a No. 2 pencil and completely bubble in the appropriate circles. These forms will be scanned. Please sign the form before returning it with your student. If you have any questions, please call us at 410-313-7600. Thank you for your support!