School Spirit Week: Support Cancer A “wear”ness

The week of October 24th Lake Elkhorn celebrated School Spirit week to support Cancer A “wear”ness, it was sponsored by Ladies First.

Our goal was to bring awareness by educating the heart and mind of the students about cancer as it has impacted LEMS and many of us in our own families.  A special THANK YOU to those of you who have been impacted personally, for trusting us to share in your journey through thoughts and prayer ( "You are more POWERFUL than you know.")

Monday was School Spirit Wear,

Tuesday was Wacky Tacky,

Wednesday was Dress for Success, and

Thursday was Color Wars, which is all the grades

wearing their colors.  6th- gray, 7th - white, 8th - black.  

Friday was Pink Out Day, where we had activities

like face painting during lunches.

This should be a nice incentive to not only be some

fun for students, but also help support breast cancer.  

There were also items sold by Ladies First during

lunch that helped support the spirit week and raise

money for breast cancer.

In addition, a Group of Ladies First girls (Cancer Committee) volunteered at Owen brown community center for the pumpkin painting family night. The students washed over 100 pumpkins, set up tables, prepared paint stations, served pizza to over 50 families, and cleaned up. 

Ladies First theme this year is to”Reach out...Reach Back...Reach Beyond"