Message from our Principal

Last Updated: 10/14/16


Greetings, Lake Elkorn families:

Congratulations to our Band students and our Director, Ms. Bilal, for performing so well alongside the OMHS and OMMS Bands! Our students marched on the field for the halftime show and dazzled the audience last Friday night. Great job!


Last night was our first PTSA meeting of the year. Thank you to Ms. Tucker, Ms. Moore, Ms. Wald and Mr. Smith for serving as officers. The first event is this coming Monday night, October 17, from 6-9 pm at Panera Bread. Also, the meeting for November will be held November 15, at 6:30 pm in the media center. This is a change from the original date due to a conflict with Outdoor Education.


Finally, students are getting to a point in the school year where they are being assessed for what they have learned.  It is important that students take time at home to study and prepare for these assessments in all of their classes. Students should take out their materials for school on a regular basis to review the content they have learned.  They can design study tools to help them remember the content.  Here are some ideas for study:


  • Create flashcards (especially helpful for new vocabulary)
  • Make a foldable (Fold paper in half vertically; put content/notes on one half and cut slits on the other side to cover the material up.  Great for self-study)
  • Use online websites to create quizzes or practice tests.  Ask your son/daughter about or
  • Record a video or audio that repeats the content learned.  Students can playback the audio/video days before the assessment to know what they need for the class.

Reminder to please double check that the Family File is up to date. 


With Eagle PRIDE,



Martin Vandenberge

Principal | Lake Elkhorn Middle School
Howard County Public School System Phone: 410-313-7600 Website: Twitter: